Infant Mental Health Webinar 8/16
Dr. Gerry Healy Marini will be conducting a webinar for the DEC Community of practice in Infant Mental Health August 16th, 2023. The topic will focus on understanding the function and structure of the sensory system during early childhood development. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how sensory regulation impacts Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.
Sibling support groups
We will be starting support groups for siblings ages 8 to13 years of children with special needs or chronic medical conditions.
The goals of the SibShop of Salem County are to:
- provide siblings with support.
- the opportunity to meet other siblings.
- to have fun!
- to discuss common concerns and joys.
- to learn coping skills for common situations that may arise.
- to provide opportunities for parents and professionals to understand the unique challenges of siblings of special needs children.
The group will meet 1 time monthly and participate for an hour and a half at a site to be determined. The cost is $20.00 per session, which must be paid for in advance.
Please send us email if you are interested in having your child participate of if you have any questions at
May 23-25, 2023
I had the opportunity to join the ECPC faculty cohort in Avon, CT this week. This cohort assists the Division of Exceptional Children (DEC). The purpose of IHE Faculty Cohort is to Create or revise syllabi to include EI/ECSE Standard; Create or revise program of study; and embed adult learning principles. It is an interdisciplinary group of higher education professionals.